Slip and fall accidents remain one of the leading causes of serious injuries. A report from the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI) found more than one million people seek emergency medical assistance for slip and falls every year.
If you or your family member was hurt in a slip and fall accident in Wisconsin, you need to know how to protect your rights. Here, our Kenosha, WI slip and fall accident attorney highlights five of the most important things you should do after suffering a serious injury on someone’s property.
1. Try to Secure as Much Relevant Evidence as Possible
Slip and fall accidents are fault-based claims. The more evidence you have of a Wisconsin business/property owner’s negligence, the easier this will be. Relevant evidence in a slip and fall accident claim can come in many different forms—from videos or photographs of the safety hazard and testimony from an eyewitness.
2. Get Professional Medical Treatment
Serious injuries require immediate medical attention. For your own health and well-being, it is imperative you get yourself examined by an experienced physician as soon as possible after a slip and fall. Please know you will not be able to pursue a personal injury claim if you have not seen a doctor.
3. Notify the Property Owner: Report the Slip and Accident
It is a best practice to notify the business or property owner after a slip and fall accident. You do not need all the details at this point. Simply make sure the accident is reported to the relevant party.
4. Do Not Accept Blame; Avoid Giving a Recorded Statement
After you report a slip and fall accident, you may be contacted by the business, property owner, or an insurance company. You are not obligated to answer questions about your accident or your injuries. Do not accept fault. The best thing to do is avoid giving any statement. Work with all other parties through a Kenosha slip and fall lawyer.
5. Get Help from a Wisconsin Slip and Fall Accident Attorney
A slip and fall accident attorney will be able to assess your case, gather relevant evidence and help you take action to get justice and the maximum available financial support. Under Wisconsin law (Wisconsin Statutes § 893.54), slip and fall accident claims are subject to a three-year statute of limitations — but there is no reason to wait to take action. Call a lawyer as soon as possible after a fall accident.
Schedule Your Free Slip and Fall Accident Consultation Today
At The Law Offices of John V. O’Connor, our Wisconsin slip and fall accident lawyer is a strong, aggressive advocate for injured victims. To set up a free, no obligation case evaluation, please
contact us at 262-671-1685. With an office in Kenosha, we represent slip and fall accident victims throughout Southwestern Wisconsin, including in Walworth, Racine and Lake Geneva.