A modern bicycle has many components to elevate its performance, including wheels, pedals, brakes and gears. With cycling, you are always at the risk of suffering injuries, which may either be your fault, or someone else’s.
The injuries caused to a cyclist may depend on the impact they suffer in an accident. If you were recently involved in an accident and believe someone else was responsible for your accident while cycling, consult a skilled personal injury attorney. The most dangerous cycling accidents involve a collision with either motor vehicles or trucks, which may lead to serious injuries and prove to be fatal.
Common Injuries Experienced By Cyclists
Usually, injuries caused by bicycle accidents are head injuries, soft tissue injuries and fractures. Some injuries are a combination of these. The legs and arms are the most likely to receive injuries, or in other cases, it could also include your head, abdomen, neck and face. Musculoskeletal trauma and injuries to the soft tissues are the most common injuries suffered by cyclists.
Some of the common injuries suffered by cyclists are:
A skilled attorney will help determine fault or negligence by the other party, which could have led to your accident.
Surgical or Non-Surgical Treatments
If your cycling injuries are severe, you might require surgery. If the wrist bone breaks, or if there is a fracture, a doctor might recommend two kinds of treatments: surgical treatment and nonsurgical treatment.
In nonsurgical treatment, a cast is placed around the hand or the forearm that is injured, including the thumb. The duration of this treatment depends on how severe the injury is and how quickly it heals.
In surgical treatment, surgery may be performed if the fracture or breakage of bones is severe and serious. In such cases, a metal implant is necessary, which gives support to the bone to heal. After the treatment is completed, the cast is removed from the hand or forearm. Physical therapy is given to keep the muscles, ligaments and tendons moving.
An injured cyclist may suffer many short and long term effects from the accident, such as monetary damages, which may include hefty medical bills, mental or physical damage, or loss of wages. You will need an experienced personal injury attorney if you feel the defendant was responsible for your injuries.
If you wish to seek further information about personal injuries, schedule a consultation session by contacting the team at Law Offices of John V. O’Connor at 262-671-1685 to discuss your case with an experienced personal injury lawyer.