A traumatic brain injury or TBI can paralyze you since your brain is highly susceptible to damage. If you sustain a TBI injury because of blunt force trauma or if you suffered a head trauma from a car accident, the damage can be serious enough to require surgery.
Depending on how serious the accident was – your injury can range in severity. A concussion is a mild form of TBI, but can be dangerous if left untreated. Here are common TBIs individuals can suffer after an accident.
Open and Closed Head Brain Injury – Open head brain injury is also known as a penetrating brain injury. As is apparent from the name, it is characterized by a fractured skull. It can result from a gunshot to the head or if a sharp object pierces the skull.
A closed head brain injury is usually the result of blunt force impact, which can make the brain slam back and forth inside the skull. In this case, the blood vessels and tissue inside your brain can get damaged and bruised. The injuries are completely internal and do not go into the bone.
Deceleration injuries – Like a closed head injury, deceleration injuries occur when the body comes to a sudden stop after going at high speed, but the brain keeps moving and slams into the skull from the inside. This injury can cause permanent brain damage due to bruising or swelling in the brain.
Complications from TBI
The brain is an incredibly complex organ. As such, even a simple TBI can have lasting repercussions and take months to heal. Some difficulties you can face if you sustain this injury include:
According to Wisconsin law, if you sustained these injuries on the job, you are eligible for Workers’ Compensation. If you are denied this right by your employer, you should get an attorney to represent you right away.
Get in touch with us at the Offices of John V. Connor to understand all of your options and get the compensation you deserve. We know all of the obstacles that may emerge in a case like yours and will have all of the bases covered to protect you. Schedule a consultation in Kenosha, WI, with us today. Discuss your case with an experienced lawyer before it is too late.